Friday, May 14, 2010

When does your life stop being your life and start being a life for your Kids?

When does your life stop being your life and start being a life for your Kids?

I have 2 wonderful children. Joaquin 8 and Julia 3 (almost 4 in 2 weeks) who are both a mixture of my husband and I. I was a young mom - got pregnant 1 year after I was married and mind me I got married at 23 and had Joaquin at 25. Julia came along when I turned 30 and I remember feeling the difference in my age. The delivery was harder , the recovery was harder, and the worst part - the loosing weight was harder. Julia's almost 4 and I have not lost that preganacy weight : HA! thats a whole other post.
Now that my kids are getting older their demands have changed. If before it was things like teaching them to be potty trained, and learning the ABC's, - todays worries are more about hoping they find a good set of friends who are good if not great influences on them, and even more good teachers - who can make an impact on their life.
I guess my answer to my question would be my life stopped being my life the minute I found out I was pregnant with Joaquin : and it hasn't stopped. I cherish every moment my kids call me to come home early from work, fight over morning hugs and kisses from me, or who gets to sleep with Mama on the bed.. cause I know one day when they have lives of their own.. I'll look back at days like this and wish I had it all again.. ...